Hair Fall / Hair Loss & Hair Thinning Treatments In Female
Hair Fall / Hair Loss & Hair Thinning Treatments In Female

- Hormonal imbalance like PCOD or PCOS
- Dandruff
- Lifestyle changes
- Junk food
- Increasing Stress levels
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Rising level of pollution
- Use of harmful cosmetics, oils, gels, soaps, shampoos, Hair straightening products etc.
- Lack of sleep
- Hereditary factors
- Lack of exercise
- Infections
- Chemical treatments.

- Customised Hair Care Regimen.
- Advise To Correct Nutritional Deficiencies.
- Medications - Oral & Topical
- Hair regrowth Treatments to reverse early stages of balding
- In case of circular patches (ALOPECIA ARETA) of hair loss specialised injection are administered by health expert.
Treatment for hair loss at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic is one of the most effective, safe & approved service that uses your body’s own plasma which is rich in platelets. This plasma contains crucial growth factors to stimulate hair follicles to become healthier and produce more hair growth. It is natural with no downtime & performed expert hair specialist at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic.
Are there any side effects?
Since few of the best Dermatologists Trichologist Hair Loss Doctors in Pune at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic perform Treatment, it turns out to be safe with almost minimal to no side effects.
How often do I need to repeat the procedure?
The number of visits required for for Hair Loss Treatment at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic depend on the type and extent of Hair Loss.
Biocell Hair Growth Therapy ensures natural hair growth. Biocell therapy makes use of growth factors, plant stem cells and it is derived directly to the root of hair. As a result it is proven to regenerate & repair impaired cells & preventing further hair loss. This is followed by low level LASER therapy (LLLT) which is safe form of light Treatments used to increase blood flow and cell activation the scalp resulting in stimulation of hair follicle.
Are there any side effects?
Since Our Qualified and Experienced Dermatologists Trichologist Hair Loss Doctors at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic perform Biocell therapy for hair growth and with quality solutions used, it turns out to be safe with almost minimal to no side effects.
How often do I need to repeat the procedure?
The number of visits required for BIOCELL Therapy for Hair Loss Treatment at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic depend on the type and extent of Hair Loss.