Acne Scar Marks
Acne Scar Marks TREATMENTS
When the skin does not heal properly after an Acne or Pimple breakout it leads to Scars Pimple Marks or Pimple Spots. If you have overlapping Pimple break outs then you have higher risk of developing Acne Scars / Pimple Marks.
Only treating Acne, but leaving Scars untreated may leave Scars on your self confidence too…
At TAJ Skin Hair LASER Clinic we offer different Acne Scar Treatments
- CO2 LASER Treatment for Acne Scars or Pimple Scars
- Micro-Needing Radio Frequency (MNRF)
- Treatment for Acne Scars
1. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) LASER at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic
CO2 LASER is one of the GOLD Standards in treatment of Acne Scars. The state of the Art CO2 laser Facility at TAJ Skin Hair Laser clinic helps in best results for treatment of Acne Scars Pimple Marks.
CO2 LASER uses pulses of light which penetrates skin and gets rid of scars leaving new firmer & smoother skin.
Since Our Qualified and Experienced Dermatologists perform the procedure with state of the Art CO2 Laser at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic, the procedure is turns out to be safe with almost minimal to no side effects.
Depending upon type of Acne Scars, sessions may vary, generally from 1 to 3 sessions for best results.

2. Micro-Needing Radio Frequency (MNRF) LASER at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic: -
MNRF at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic for Acne Scars uses a technique that mixes traditional micro-needing with latest Radio Frequency Technology. New & disposable cartridges are used for every patient to maintain utmost safety & hygiene. which MNRF probe penetrates the skin & delivers RF energy. These two actions (penetration & Energy delivery) trigger healing of skin from within, using the production of collagen and elastin which in turn leads to firm, healthy & younger looking skin.
With expert Dermatologists performing the procedure and state of the art equipment at Taj Skin Hair Laser, the Down time is Minimal.
With Our Qualified & Experienced Dermatologists & state of the Art equipment, MNRF treatment fir Acne Scars at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic, the procedure is turns out to be safe with almost minimal to no side effects.
For optimal results 3 to 4 sessions are required in a gap of a month.

3. Dermapen Microneedling
Derma Pen is an automated micro-needling device which is like a pen. Micro-needing leads to re-organisation of old collagen fibres & laying down of new collagen & elastin & capillaries leading to firm¸ healthy & younger looking skin.
New and Disposable Probe Heads are used for every patient for best results and Safety.
With expert Dermatologists performing the procedure and state of the art equipment at Taj Skin Hair Laser, the Down time is Minimal.
Performed by qualified Dermatologist & with State of the art equipment, the Derma Pen Treatment at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic, the sessions required for best results are reduced. It generally requires 2-3 sessions, but may vary depending on individual skin condition.

4. DERMA ROLLER at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic: -
A derma roller is a manual Roller device. It has set of tiny needles on its surface. When derma roller is rolled on your skin, it stimulates the flow of blood & acts as a exfoliator and helps in formation of new smooth skin reducing the scar marks every session.
With Our Qualified and Experienced Dermatologists and state of the Art equipment, MNRF treatment at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic, the procedure is turns out to be safe with almost minimal to no side effects.
3 to 4 sessions in a gap of a month.

5. Skin rejuvenation Treatments / Natural Skin Rejuvination with Vampire Face Lift
Platelet Rich Plasma is concentrated blood plasma that contains approx. 3 to 5 times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition it contains growth factors, bioactive proteins that help in skin rejuvenation which helps in enhanced tissue healing & production of new Skin.
Treatment at TAJ Skin Hair Laser Clinic promotes the generation of collagen & elastin, encourages skin rejuvenation and works as excellent skin rejuvenation treatments reducing appearance of Acne Scars.
As an add-on Treatment also gives healthy glow to the face. When treatment is combined with micro-needing it gives better results likely improving Acne Scars, hyper-pigmentation, sun damage too.
Since Expert and Best Dermatologists perform the treatment, side effects are rare.